From Yahoo! News: LOS ANGELES
Marine Unit to Practice Disaster Preparedness. By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service. WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 2011
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From Yahoo! News: 20 years ago, Cary Schneider lost his childhood home in the infamous Oakland Hills Firestorm. Now the co-founder of disaster preparedness company .
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Ben Miller is constantly telling residents at the San Jacinto mobile home park he helps manage that they need to be prepared for disasters. Few heed the call.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today awarded more than $352 million to continue improving disaster preparedness of hospitals and health care systems .
Lessons learned from repopulating Louisiana parishes after Katrina lead to the creation of comprehensive re-entry plans.
Health department hosted meeting for public on disaster preparedness activities August 9, 2011
Social media response to East Coast earthquake part of growing trend; Mayo Clinic makes strides in social media; 30 Reasons to use social media in an emergency
NewsChannel5.com | Nashville News, Weather & news disaster preparedness jobs SportsDoor-To-Door Assessment For Disaster Preparedness
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NEWS 25 WEHT Evansville, Henderson, OwensboroArea Hospitals Review Disaster Preparedness Plans
Disaster Preparedness. Emergency Services, in coordination, conjunction and collaboration with all city departments will maximize the City's potential to prevent .
Women are often overlooked in preparedness efforts. Image: David Swanson/IRIN
For years and years, the Knoxville stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has quietly prepared its members for disaster.
Report: 10 Years After 9-11, States Fail Children in Disaster Preparedness Ninety percent of U.S. children live in an area at risk of natural disaster and terrorists .
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