At 200 calories, Slim�Fast Shake Mixes give you about one-third of your recommended daily intake for most essential vitamins and minerals. Want an extra boost of .
Slim Fast High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Chocolate reviews. Find Diet Shake & Powder reviews at Buzzillions including 20 reviews of Slim Fast High Protein Shake Mix .
Calories in High Protein Shake Mix Creamy Chocolate Manufactured by Slim-Fast Free calorie and nutrition data information for High Protein Shake Mix.
Slim-fast High Protein Nutrition. The Slim-Fast diet is a program for weight loss that says to eat three snacks, two meal replacements and one meal per day. The .
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Nutrition summary: There are 110 calories in 1 serving of Slim-Fast Creamy Chocolate Shake Mix. Calorie break-down: 29% fat, 47% carbs, 24% protein.
Drwebcode For Health Recommendation:- Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, High Protein Shake Mix, Creamy Vanilla, 12.83oz Canisters (Pack of 3) Controls hunger up to 4 hours. slim fast high protein shake mix 2
Slim-Fast High Protein Mix - 2 results like the Slim Fast SlimFast 3-2-1 High Protein Powder, 12.83 oz, Slim Fast High Protein Shake Mix Creamy Vanilla - 12.83 oz .
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