After maintaining a strong presence in the San Luis Obispo community since 1996, Aida
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Best Answer: Cal Poly SLO is ranked higher than UC Davis in engineering, however, overall, UC Davis is higher ranked and harder to get into, If you got into Cal Poly .
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Over the summer, a collection of 13 Paso Robles city leaders were asked to raise their hands if they thought the city has a gang problem. Five hands .
Hey all, I am a SoCal resident and I've never really heard of Cal Poly SLO save for here at CC. Most people I talk to never heard of it as a good
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Best Answer: My personal experience going to Cal Poly is that even though there are less Asians there than UCI or UCSD there are enough. At least a few .
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Hi everyone! UCLA decisions just came out and I found out I was accepted into the slo better harder strong EE major ! :] however, i was also accepted to CPSLO for ED and that
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